Wednesday, December 14, 2016

5 Reasons Network Marketing Fails

Network marketing has withstood the test of time; it has been around for nearly 100 years (some say longer) evolving with each generation. Network marketing has become so advanced that now you can literally be in California and have partners as well as customers in Australia without ever having a face to face thanks to the power of technology and a few forward thinkers.  So why is it that so many fail to make a success of network marketing despite all of the advancements? Here are many reasons but let's examine the 5 most common reasons.

·        Joining under what I like to call headhunters or body collectors. These are people that are more interested in getting you excited about joining whatever business opportunity they are involved in because you look more like a gigantic dollar bill to them rather than a business partner that needs to be groomed for success. These individuals generally have no inclination on how to train someone to become a network marketer nor do they have the desire and more times than not they don’t have the time to train their downline to become a successful network marketer so the new business partner is left to sink or swim. More often than not people sink. take the time necessary to qualify anyone bringing you a business opportunity to make sure they won't leave you to sink. 

·        Allowing your business opportunities to pick you instead of you picking your own business opportunities. More often than not people pick business opportunities because they have been wowed by the success of those put in front of them by friends, family members or acquaintances. As tempting as the success of others can be you cannot allow this to be your preliminary motivation for joining a business opportunity. There are many types of networking business models out there to choose from. Some people are not well suited for sales so joining a company that sells products isn’t going to work no matter how excellent the products or services are, Joining a team building business or fee for service business may be more suited to your abilities. Do your research see what’s available, then make a decision based on your findings.

·        Failure to set goals and make a solid plan of action. This one is a no-brainer. If you don’t plan for success then plan to fail, it is as simple as that. A good team builder will give you strategies to help you develop strong goals and a clear pathway to achieve them. This is vital to the success of your business and a means to keep you motivated during the rough patches.

·        Looking for support in all the wrong places.  This is a big one. More times than not people look to their family and friends for support and many times this leads to entrepreneurial paralysis when that support is not given. The truth of the matter is family and friends make the worst support system when it comes to business, however, there is always the exception to the rule. Instead, seek out other entrepreneurs especially in your up line for the support. Doing this will also help you spot the real entrepreneurs from the headhunter’s and opportunists.

·        Fear of failure. This is an odd reason because Fear of missing an opportunity in many cases will motivate people to take action. They will read the how to guides learn the procedures to operate the business and attend the training sessions but the minute it comes to taking the first step and applying everything learned into practical use the fear of failure freezes them dead in their tracks and procrastination sets in. This is when you turn to your accountability partner typically this should be someone in your upline if not dig in your support system look through social media groups.

·        Failure to make genuine connections. One common mistake new and struggling network marketers make is trying to turn everyone they meet into a potential business partner before establishing a genuine connection. Growing a business takes time, you must be patient. Taking the time to establish genuine connections these connections can lead to solid new business partners who are success driven. The most successful network marketers move in groups especially when it comes to team building opportunities.

Venturing into network marketing is a very smart decision just remember you only have to succeed once everything you do up to that point is in preparation for that success. 

Monday, June 23, 2014


Success comes to those who consciously decide to the path they should take and make up their minds on where they want to end up. If your still attempting to convince yourself of your worth, how can you possible convince others to invest in you or join your team. If you seem uncertain and unclear in your talents people will take advantage of this to benefit their own end. 

However if you are secure in your knowledge and abilities people will be attracted to you and any competition will minuscule. Always remain in a state of continued learning because moment you become to complacent and satisfied with yourself is when you lose your advantage in your field.

Don’t allow yourself to be disillusioned about the amount of time you will need to invest in becoming successful. If you are employed by someone else in order to remain relevant you must invest the extra time to learning about the products and services you are providing. If you are venturing off into the realm of self-employment don’t be fooled into thinking you will see any level of success as a part-time business owner owning a business is work and if you’re not going to put in the work then you’re not ready. Being a business owner is full time work but you can be a part time employee. 

 Don’t be afraid to align yourself with successful people and ask questions. “Success Leaves Clues” Those who you view as successful don’t usually view you as a threat but more of a student or protege. Value these relationships they are golden and will take you far.

Offer things of value freely and build a relationship before making a sale. Customers come and go Clients are forever.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

How to Have A Great Week

Well Monday is here again. While this of course means the weekend is over, it also means a new week of unlimited potential lies ahead. The following are 7 ideas that will help you have a happy, productive and meaningful week:

1. Set Goals

Ideally on Sunday (but Monday is ok), I like to take some time out to think about the week ahead. I follow Dr Covey’s approach to goal-setting as outlined in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This involves the following:
  • Identifying Roles: identify the key roles in your life. If you haven’t given this much thought before, just write down what immediately comes to mind. Some of my roles, for example, are: father, husband, blogger, employee, and uncle.
  • Selecting Goals: next think of 2 or 3 important things you would like to accomplish in each of these roles in the coming week. For example, as an uncle I need to buy and send presents for my niece and nephew so that they reach Australia in time for Christmas day.
  • Scheduling: this basically involves taking the above goals, and scheduling time to do them. Be flexible though – in most cases some daily adapting is also needed.

2. Get the Most Out of Every Day

This may sound like a cliche, but each and every day is a gift. Don’t indefinitely delay happiness in your life or settle for being bored. Be inspired. Live with vitality. Enjoy life every day.

3. Do That Thing You Are Resisting

Almost everyone has at least one thing that they are resisting. Perhaps it is fixing something around the house, making an important phone call or re-starting the exercise habit. Get that thing done, and you will be sure to feel to feel as if you have accomplished something this week.

4. Nurture Your Relationships

I truly believe that happiness is highly dependent on the quality of our relationships with other people. So be committed to nurturing these relationships. Here are some quick ideas how:
  • Pick up the phone: email is great, but make a point every so often to pick up the phone and speak to your friends and family.
  • Meet a friend for lunch: do you have a friend that seems to have fallen off the side of the Earth? Invite them out to lunch and catch up on everything you have missed.
  • Ping: even if you are extremely busy this week, find the time to send a friend or family member a quick email or text message. If nothing else, it shows you are thinking about them.
  • Remember birthdays: make a point to remember important dates, such as birthdays. I suggest taking time out one day to mark your diary with these important dates. Tip: Facebook is great for discovering birthdays.

5. Stretch Yourself

Stretch yourself by trying something new this week.

6. Be Disciplined

Starting the week by setting goals is a bit like making new years eve resolutions: they are easy to make, but as time progresses it can be hard to capture the same motivation that was present when you first made them. If you struggle with self-discipline, I suggest keeping the following quote in mind:
“When the morning’s freshness has been replaced by the weariness of midday, when the leg muscles quiver under the strain, the climb seems endless, and, suddenly, nothing will go quite as you wish – it is then that you must not hesitate.” – Dag Hammarskjold

7. Make a Difference

This week commit to making a positive difference in the world. Even the following small actions can make a big difference in the life of another person and/ or the world:
  • Buy lunch for a hungry pan-handler
  • Donate to that person shaking a tin for charity
  • Recycle
  • Plant a tree
  • Volunteer your time for a good cause
  • Put a smile on a child’s face
This blog was brought to you by Peter Clemens